How to Stop Abortion
I'm firmly against abortion, but I'm politically pro-choice. Is that confusing? It shouldn't be. Making abortion illegal or refusing to include it in health insurance is not pro-life--it's like putting a band-aid over a bullet wound. It's treating the symptoms while allowing the disease process to go unchecked. And it doesn't work.
If society shows that we value children, maybe people will believe they have value. Right now our actions don't say it. These are my easy steps toward shutting down abortion clinics and making abortion a legal, but unused option.
- Make both sexes equally responsible for the children they produce so men have incentive to use protection or remain abstinent. We have genetic testing to keep people honest if needed.
- Make all convicted rapists pay into a fund to support their children without granting them any right to know anything about children conceived in a crime and make payments and provide services to the children from that fund. (Castrating rapists is unconstitutional.)
- Make adoption easier and cheaper. Yes, it is terrible to have a child end up with abusive parents, but when we have children aging out of the foster care system without a real family, it speaks volumes about how much we value children and it's not a nice statement. Who wants to bring a child into that?
- Require minimum wage to be high enough that prostitution isn't a better deal for women than waiting tables or ringing purchases. (I'm sorry, but right now, it's hard to argue it.)
- Provide health insurance so that parents can choose to work full-time, part-time or independently from home without having to worry that a sick child will throw them into a debt they won't recover from.
- Raise the tax deduction for each child to an amount that reflects the actual cost of raising children.
- Add the amount raised by lotteries on top of what states pay for educating children. (The current model is to subtract regular funding for lottery funds, proving that we'd rather cheat our children than put the money where it was originally budgeted.)
- Fully fund and expand the Head Start program to provide educational daycare for younger children and before and after school care for children of parents who work outside the home.
- Stop complaining about normal child behavior in public and support parents who are trying to raise their children to behave appropriately. Parenting is hard enough without your criticism.
- Educate your children about the blessings of raising children while emphasizing the need to wait until they are in a position to raise children before having any, including both abstinence and birth control in the lesson while promoting responsible, moral and ethical behavior.
- Stop judging. Maybe you'd do things differently if you were in her shoes, but you aren't and you really can't know. Just stop.
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